Winter Comes And Winter Goes

Winter comes with her cold frozen breath
freezing the surroundings above an beneathe
causing an auror of temporary death
the animals are migrating or hibernating.
while humanity sits round the fire ruminating.
the warm fire on the ashes of youth smouldering.
the look in those eyes as they stare into the fire
as if staring at their fortune in the ball of a fortune teller
to see if they're still left at wars wild ire
That claims a million lives full of hope an endless desire.

Winter comes with her cold frozen hand.
Beckoning to soldiers in trenches on the edge of no mans land
man upon man tries to gain the upper hand
but stalemated an an tangeled in an on going plan
that never seem to end but wind on un maned
Their mettle easily rought they struggle unabahsed
in the pursuit of temporary glories soon to pieces dashed
The barren land much like a blasted heathe
coverd in the blood of troops who last breathe.
after they fall to the terror unleashed
By many countries who are selfish an displeased

Winter comes with her cold frozen breath
Wniter comes with her cold frozen hand
But with each comming winter
a generation of youths are wiped out without a wimper.
The world seems a lot less lighter
But do we their sacrifice consider
That went in to making our country prosper.


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