Nature an Night life

Walking one late night in autumn
the eerie soud of the fallen leaves
moving in the gusty breeze
Which seemed to be be howling
Like a hound across the moore
beaking the silnce of the night
the moon just a slender peel of light
stark against the dark sable night.
the shrill hoot of the owl
Jus like a banshee from her isolated tower.
the ticking of my watch in the night
ticking a way the minutes of life
dark conspiratorial night
the elements of evil seemed afoot
the eeie glow of the tapetum
yellow gold an neon green the eye
the trees silhuetted against the sky
grotesque an absurd in my eye
i paced along the stony brooke
the flowing of the stream
dark an flowing to join the deep
to my home i returned ere long
my long night never seemed to end
restless i tossed from this end to that
at the early hour of morn the papers
flashed a gory sight a serious matter
a poor hatter on his way fom work
was victim to a murdrers grusome work
his defiled flesh lay strewn around
yet as the papers state a fact profound
that no one has yet been found
neither any weaponry unearthed
a chill ran my spine to think i was about
in that unruly night walking about
while the spirits of the night
went on to take a mans life


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