A Weary World
A weary world is this hessitant of dame fortunes kiss. one busy with work oblivious of the beatuty of nature. the lives of big an small, every creature monkeys with their upside down view of life percieve the world in a diffent way, the world on its head The chirping sparrows flitt to an fro building nets in which new life would grow The snakes coiled round the branches asleep in the warm rays of the sun alligators their huge caverns jar ready to ensnare prey who are ready Their rough dry skin a glaze in the sun with water laping up from the water hole the tigers submerged in the deep cooling themselve of from the heat little cubs clawing an pawing an rambling an gnawing at bones in the fresh green grass. The lions are sunning their golden mains so royal his apperance an main ablaze abrightgolden in the suns raze nature an all its beauty an life forms enhances earth an supports all life forms so can we conform to norms to protect nature an habitats to rare li...
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