The World and Counting

To try an recount the numerous times
That humanity has crossed the lines
 And wreaked havoc in this world sublime.
 And to all those people who still pine
 Friends there is hope and there is time

The world is facing its darkest time
Where missiles destroys lives at times
And what diminishes are family vines
All destroyed by hatred and mines
The world today has a heartless clime

Do protect what is yours and mine
So than we can change back time
To when we were barely turning nine
And becoming a part of world design
Evoke love within our thoughtless minds

So that the universe and it's kind
Can live a life so great and kind
That we may never have to find
The wonderful years of our prime
Covered in rubble and lime
From people's power and crime.

So try and count the times
When love was yours and mine
And try to make it multiply and shine
To give this world a brighter clime
So that all the children can chime
Like they once did in a better time


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