SPY DIARIES: A Tale of Narcotics and Mysterious Romance

2:30 am the silence of the night was broken by the sudden an urgent ring of my cellphone. Drowsy as I was after a late night with friends at a pub in down town San Francisco I groped around for my cellphone. My room was illuminated by pale slivers of light emanating from the gloomy street lamps. On taking the call I realized it was my handler calling up to brief me on a certain plan of action. No doubt I had been in this line for years I still felt like a kid whenever my handler called to fill me in on the details and strategies. His voice was husky and unearthly and the hour of the call made it all the more a top-secret matter. Agent 001 he said “Hayes street 5 am old pal, see you there” being a Britisher, new to the environment here in North America it was quite an experience. Basically, I was here in San Francisco as part of the Scotland Yard. I reached Hayes Street at 5 am and amidst the early morning bustle of the city I met my handler Ramon. Over a cup of coffee at S...